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Cross-Cultural Links Regional Links Articles

This section contains several links to other websites with information about world music.
NOTE: The WWOM neither claims responsibility nor can be held accountable for the content of these sites.

The section titled "cross-cultural" includes links to General Information sites, sites for other world music Projects, official websites for Artists and Labels who are either affiliated with the WWOM or are particularly noted for their involvement in the world music industry, world music Events and Festivals sites and, last but not least, the sites for Institutes and Organizations that are involved in world music proliferation.

The "regional" section contains links to websites about the music of different regions of the world. The regions are broken down into the following categories: Africa, Asia, Australia & the Pacific, Central & South America, Europe, North America & the Caribbean.

The articles section has links to articles on world music found online.

Suggest a Link
Each section also contains a link entitled, "Suggest a Link". This link will enable you to send us an email to recommend a site that you believe belongs in that section.

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